My first knee-jerk reaction to this was, "Oh no, this is going downhill." It was that internal groan of "why do children have to be a plot twist?" As a general rule, any time surprise children show up, it's bs.
Oh, how convenient! You have offspring that, despite never having met, you feel suicidally protective over for no reason and completely without bonding. But you never had to be bogged down with the actual work and sacrifice that leads to caring about a child's well-being. (Let's be honest. There are people who do raise their own children and still don't care about them.)
The whole plot is basically the child has to exist for the MC to give a crap and do something about it. Then "for her own good" the child is shoved off in some unknown corner of the world where the MC still doesn't have to do any of the actual work to raise it and you know she will come back in 5-8 years as a teenager full of angst/rage/confusion about where her real parents are, bla bla bla.
I hate children as plot devices so much.