This story begins with a grumpy Swedish man who is rather unlikable. I immediately saw parallels with Leif Persson's Backstrom and I was very worried I'd stumbled into another awfully written MC. I am happy to report that was not the case by the end. Based on the settings, I figured it had to be a redeeming story arc and the fact that it was such a popular book made my believe this more. I know there are many shitty books that get to the bestsellers list or that are required reading in school, but the potential redemption arc seemed so obvious that I knew it had to be good. It was. This was a well-written, heart-warming story and I would really recommend it to anyone who enjoys rooting for character growth and a realistic setting.
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Saturday, August 5, 2023
The V Games - K. Webster, Ker Dukey
As far as romance novels go, I thought this one was pretty good. It didn't feel like the "plot" was just to get to the next sex scene. It felt like an actual story where they don't fade to black for the sex scenes. Therefore, the story itself was quite good and the characters honestly well thought out. I'd recommend this book to people that enjoy sexy writing but also a good story.
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