This is a compilation of four short stories by these four authors centered around one of their major book series with the idea being to draw in a reader who already likes one of the other authors and interest them in a new one. Being as each story is completely different, different realm, different world, different rules, I'll go through each one individually.
Butcher - I wasn't impressed and thought overall it wasn't a good representation of his books because the story was so short it had nowhere to go, but is was in the proper styling. Meh.
Richardson - I didn't like the first book I read by her, and this is the same character. It was written ok, but kinda boring. The best character was the dog who did nothing but follow her around.
Green - I destroyed Green in my first review of him. This was a different set of characters in a different realm, but it still sucked. I just don't like anything this man does. I have similar complaints to the last time, poorly written with jumps where I got lost, weird and kinda pointless story, cliched characters. This ensures that I won't be reading any of his other stuff. (ha, the opposite of the desired effect)
Sniegoski - I'd never heard of him before. The story and characters were ok. The dog talks, I like that. I might pick up one of his books, but it hasn't rocketed to the top of my list either.
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