This book is both terrifying and fascinating! I highly recommend it to everyone, everywhere, at any time! The author only uses examples from the last few decades and then applies it to current events in the US. It is amazing to watch this unfold, even though I'd rather not watch my country lower its own democracy rating. I wish the crazies who support the people dragging us towards anocracy would read this. . . but I imagine few of them read, and certainly could never move beyond their identity politics.
I would encourage you to read it yourself, but to summarize: the author really brings home the point of how dangerous Trump and his supporters and sycophants are to our government and way of life. We all know that right-wing terrorism is on the rise here (ref: NC power station attack earlier this month). But the author does a beautiful job of explaining why and how they are doing it, and then, of course, everyone else's natural reaction to it and how that will exacerbate the issue. The only thing that seems, to me, like it could throw events off course is Covid's continued destruction of largely un-vaccinated people, which are the same people who are mostly likely to spread the propaganda and lies that keep the easily-led from understanding the real world. If the people who can't critically think about what they read on the internet, which overlaps a lot with people who aren't vaccinated, were fewer in number, would less misinformation spread as frequently and as far?
I'm keen to see where we go politically in the next few years. I wish I knew now, so I could prepare. I am of 2 minds about it: one part wants us to continue to cast off the nationalistic psychosis that seems to have gripped a lot of republicans, but the other part wants the idiots to win a little bit and give them what they deserve, what they voted for, like the anti-choice people who suddenly can't get abortions for their "special" case.
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