This is a seriously intense book! It starts out detailing the mass murders of the Armenian genocide (see final note below), then moves onto the Armenians seeking revenge because many of the men responsible were not held accountable (and were even making plans to rule Turkey again), then goes into details about some of the trials of the assassins. Every step of the way is just crazy. I completely support today's Armenians holding onto their resentment because Turkey still has yet to take responsibility for what they did.
Although my favorite tidbit was when the German lawyers made a big deal about how abhorrent what the Ottomans did and how no respectable European country would ever whole-sale slaughter a religious minority . . . said in 1923.
Other Notes:
There is a prime example of "When Women Refuse" at the beginning of this story. "According to the 5th century historian, Agath Angelos, 37 Christian virgins fleeing Roman persecution arrived in Trdat's kingdom (pagan Armenian king) during Gregory's imprisonment (famous Christian monk). The king lusted after one of the virgin nuns, Hripsime, a renowned beauty. Hripsime had, of course, taken a vow of chastity, so she resisted Trdat's advances. In a rage, the king tortured and killed Hripsime. Then martyred the entire flock of young virgin nuns."
"On the same day she (one of the Christian missionary women) wrote: In [the city], the women were gathered together and killed. The men had been killed earlier. The women were ordered to remove their best clothes and they were laid on top of each other, 2 by 2 and beheaded."
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