Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers betrayed America - Bruce Cannon Gibney

 This book is shockingly eye opening. I highly recommend it for anyone trying to figure out what in the hell is going on in the US right now. The book was published in 2017 and I would love to see a newer analysis with the most recent political insanity included, though perhaps about 1 year in the future from now so we know a little most about how this evil will shake out. I made a TON on bookmarks on this. I think it's too many to include in a single review so I might paraphrase them. If you're looking for exact quotes or more detail, you should read the book. Everyone should read this book; it brings enlightenment to so many current issues! I'll start my paraphrasing now, in my own words: The most selfish generation ever to exist has done their damndest to pull the ladder up behind them every single step of the way. They hate their children. They hate their planet. And they probably hate themselves.

- "Rather it is the mass democratically sanctioned transfer of wealth away from the young and towards the boomers, the later having adjusted tax and fiscal policies to favor the accumulation of wealth during their lives at the expense of the future.  A future whose course is of little concern because whatever failures it holds will be cushioned by the tens of trillions of entitlement dollars boomers will receive." We're not even out of the introduction yet before this book starts throwing punches.  This section also draw attention to the difference between median income and mean income and how the big difference between those two numbers show significant problems rumbling through the economy.

- "TVs limits pose special problems when it comes to news programming." People who get most of their news from a tv get fewer facts at a slower pace than written news (nearly 1/3 of a news program is commercials, banter, junk, segues). People who are highly knowledgeable about current events or the mechanics of government are not people who get their news from the TV. I've had this argument with my own boomer father. 

There's so much more I want to say (maybe I'll add it in later), but suffice to say, just read the dang book!

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