Thursday, August 11, 2016

How We Do It: How the Science of Sex can make You a Better Lover - Judy Dutton

Totally read this book. Lots of info without being boring. I liked the author's use of snide remarks to keep it amusing, yet on task. It has helpful ideas, regardless of where you are in your journey.
The only complaint I have is I wanted more on kinky stuff, but I imagine that section was not limited by the author's interest, but rather a dearth of available studies to reference.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Forgotten Tales of Indiana - Keven McQueen

This is a compilation of just a stack of weird stories about strange circumstances and eccentrics. Other than the first chapter, it's not a coherent narrative, and while the stories are interesting, they don't flow at all, nor are they long enough to pull you in, only a paragraph or so.  I read this straight through and some of the changes in stories were jarring.
I would recommend this more for bathroom reading, that's how short some tales were.