Saturday, April 15, 2017

Dearly Devoted Dexter - Jeff Lindsay (Dexter Series, Bk 2)

I love the show Dexter, and these books are also good for all the same reasons.
Read them. Delightful.
I appreciate 2 things Jeff Lindsay does:  1). Uses words in a way that make them rich and velvety like the best damn chocolate cake in the world.  2). Creates trains of thought that really, honestly do sound like things that non-neurotypical people think.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood (MaddAddam Trilogy, Bk 1)

This was not the first book by Margaret Atwood I've read. The first was actually #2 from this trilogy pulled off the shelf at random. That book was ok, but having the background and a vague idea of the styling, I liked this more, considering, than the Year of the Flood.  However, I read that book years ago, and having actually read #1, I will now go back and finish the trilogy.
I LOVE the world she has created. The names of companies are fantastic.  The thought put into who did what and why is so very believable.  It's a bit weird at first, but after some thought on the subject, this world is completely plausible. It's great.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Next - Michael Crichton

I like Michael Crichton, obviously. My only complaint about this book was the volume of characters it follows around. I listened to this on audiobook while doing lab work, and I believe that was the only reason this mattered. I can keep large cast books straight. I think it was the fact that I was only half-paying attention that caused the, "Wait, who is this dude again?"
A fun idea, but his genetic advancements were a little out of sync with all the other tech advancements.  Character design were ok.  Flow was very good.  As I have noticed with his books, incredibly satisfying at the end when all the right people get theirs.
Overall, I would say it's a good read, but not life-altering.