Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Big Trip up Yonder - Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

While short, this story paints a horrifying picture of what happens when your children never grow up an move out because they never age.  A medicine halts the ageing process and everyone is still hanging onto Grandpa's coattails.  Ew.  This is some next level r/JustNoFamily bs.  Also, overpopulation, because no one dies and there's not enough housing or jobs or space.  Why would anyone reproduce in these circumstances? At least, not anytime in the first 100 years or maybe more.  This whole book just made me want to slap everyone, including Grandpa for letting it happen.
A good short read, a horror story about living in a 2 bedroom/1bath apartment with your entire extended family who are all leaches.

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